
Medicine case presentation

Hello, Mushfequa here.  I would like to present a general medicine case as a part of my daily learning log.  A 42 year old male patient came to the the medicine opd on 13th May 2020 with the complaints of  -abdominal distension since 15 days which was gradually increasing in size.  -pedal edema upto the thigh since 10 days which is considerably reduced upon taking rest.  - c/o mass per rectum on passing stools  No history of constipation, melena, vomiting, belching, decreased urine output, burning micturition, fever, shortness of breath and pain abdomen.  PAST HISTORY Not a known case of diabetes mellitus, hypertension, tuberculosis, asthma, cardiovascular disorders.  He is a chronic alcoholic with consumption of 180ml of whisky per day since 20 years, stopped drinking for the past 2 months.  He has a history of jaundice 5 years back. EXAMINATION  On physical examination there is presence of pallor, icterus and pedal edema upto thigh which is pitting in nature.  No cyanosis and lympha