Medicine case presentation

Hello, Mushfequa here. 
I would like to present a general medicine case as a part of my daily learning log. 

A 42 year old male patient came to the the medicine opd on 13th May 2020 with the complaints of 
-abdominal distension since 15 days which was gradually increasing in size. 
-pedal edema upto the thigh since 10 days which is considerably reduced upon taking rest. 
- c/o mass per rectum on passing stools 

No history of constipation, melena, vomiting, belching, decreased urine output, burning micturition, fever, shortness of breath and pain abdomen. 

Not a known case of diabetes mellitus, hypertension, tuberculosis, asthma, cardiovascular disorders. 
He is a chronic alcoholic with consumption of 180ml of whisky per day since 20 years, stopped drinking for the past 2 months. 
He has a history of jaundice 5 years back.

On physical examination there is presence of pallor, icterus and pedal edema upto thigh which is pitting in nature. 
No cyanosis and lymphadenopathy. 

At the time of admission 
temperature - 99°F
Pulse rate - 102bpm
Blood pressure - 120/80
Weight - 71kgs
Jaundice - present 
No gynaecomastia 
No spider naevi
Palmar erythema - absent 
Clubbing - present 
Fetor hepaticus - absent 
Dupyetren's contraction - absent 
Flapping tremors - absent 
Inspection: straie, bruising, scars- absent 
Distension appears tense with flanks full 

Palpation : no tenderness
Abdominal girth - 100cms  

Percussion :
Shifting dullness : present 

Auscultation : bowel sounds - present 



Ascitic tap - was done by my Co - intern for diagnostic purposes. 


Decompensated liver disease 


Salt and water restriction
Inj. Lasix 40mg bd 
T. Spironolactone 50mg bd
Syp. Lactulose 50mg bd
Inj vit k 10 mg s.c
Inj pantop 40mg 
High protein diet 
I/O monitoring 
Daily abdominal girth and weight monitoring 

FOLLOW UP of the patient 
14th May 2020 - before the ascitic tap  abdominal girth :100cms

15th may 2020 - 
Abdominal girth: 94cms 
Weight : 69kgs

16th may 2020 - 
Abdominal girth: 92cms
Weight: 65kgs 


Anti-arrhythmic drugs 
